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Sumi Hagiwara

Associate Dean of the College for Education and Engaged Learning, College for Education and Engaged Learning

University Hall 3163
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Sumi Hagiwara is the Inaugural Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College for Education and Engaged Learning and an associate professor in early childhood and elementary education at Montclair State University. Her expertise is equity, diversity, culture, and early childhood/elementary science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, computer science (CS) education and computational thinking. Dr. Hagiwara researches equity and agency in CS/STEM, educational technology, games-based learning, and parent involvement in education. She is the creator and director of the epiSTEMic Summer Program at MSU that links an inclusive summer STEM camp for children with teacher preparation and teacher professional development. She is Principal Investigator/Program Director of the CS for All Standards Grant from the NJDOE ($666,660 Grant#22-CZ06-G07,#23-CZ08-G07), Co-Principal Investigator of the CS for All Hub Grant from the NJDOE ($666,670 Grant#22-CZ06-G07,#23-CZ09-G07), and Co-Principal Investigator of the National Science Foundation Research Experiences in Teaching Grant ($560,110 Grant#2206885). Her publications appear in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Cultural Studies in Science Education, and the International Journal of Science Education. Dr. Hagiwara is co-editor of Change Agents in Science Education to advance the discourse on change agency using science across settings.


Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, computer science education and computational thinking, educational technology and games-based learning, teacher education, urban science education, immigrant families, culture and diversity, equity and justice in schooling.